This guide will show you how to farm Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact and where to find it. Dandelion Seeds are crafting materials that are used to craft Ascension materials like potions and stones.
Players that want character Ascension will be looking for more of this crafting material which can be obtained out in the wild. This guide will show you how you can farm Dandelion Seeds and show locations where you can most of the Dandelion Seeds.
How to Farm Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact
Dandelion Seeds can be harvested by an Anemo character, which means you should have an Anemo character in your party. The best character, in this case, is Sucrose who can simply use her normal attack to harvest Dandelion Seeds. If you don’t have an Anemo character in your party, you can still get Dandelion Seeds by changing your Traveler’s active Element from Geo to Anemo.
When you are all set on that front, make your way to Mondstadt, which is the only region with the most supply of Dandelion Seeds the game has to offer. Dandelion Seeds can be found scattered all around the Mondstadt region, where you can find the four sources in the main Mondstady island itself, out in the westernmost part of the island.
Another really good place to get a lot of Dandelion Seeds is to go east from Dawn Winery. To get to this area, fast travel to the Ridge Watch Dungeon and then go along the cliff towards the northwest until you see a small water body. You can find a lot of Dandelion Seeds here.
Dandelion Seeds take time to regrow, wherein in this case, it takes 72 real-world hours to regrow. While this may seem like a lot of time, there are plenty of other places in this region that have Dandelion Seeds. In most cases, by the time you need more Dandelion Seeds, most plants that were already harvested would have regrown.
For more help with Genshin Impact, make sure that you check out the guides detailed below.
- Characters Unlock Guide
- Cooking Recipes Guide
- Fast Travel Guide
- Pirate Treasure Guide
- Stamina Guide
- Anemoculus Guide
- Wishes Guide
- Shrines of Depths Guide
- Potions Guide
This is how you can farm Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact. Post your comments below.