Destiny 2 is a massive game. It offers so much content and different mechanics that players need to learn. If you are a new player, you are likely to feel a bit lost. Even if you played it at launch back in 2017, a lot has changed. In this post, we will focus on some of the things that you can do to level up faster. If you are a beginner, our tips will help you in those early hours and help you level up quickly so that you can reach the endgame in Destiny 2 quickly.
How to Level up Quickly
Leveling up in Destiny 2 is unusual. There is a traditional level inclusive of experience and power rating that is defined by the attack and defense values of your armor. Everything that you do in Destiny 2 feeds your experience. If you are looking to level up quickly in this massive game, we recommend spending some time on patrol in the European Dead Zone (EDZ). Patrol is a free roam mode in the open world where you can sniff out secret loot and take side missions. For a big experience payday, you should go after public events. They are group tasks that spawn around the map and ask you to do things such as stopping an arms deal. They are great for leveling because they bring stronger enemies into the map and reward you with a loot chest for participating. To find a public event, you should open up the director to see where and when they are about to kick off.
There are other ways that you can use to level up. You can use Destiny 2 carry to boost your account. It is the best option for people who don’t have time to play the boring first few levels of the game. Lfcarry has a team of Destiny 2 pro players that are ready to level up your account as you sleep. They are the gods of this game and will get your account to your desired levels in a matter of a few days, if not hours.
Understanding Weapon Classes
1. Kinetic weapon
Every enemy in Destiny 2 has a weak spot. Shooting your enemies at these points will do more damage and kill them faster. The weak spot for most enemies is the head. When you are fighting with the hive or the forearms, you should always aim at their face. The red Legion are the biggest enemies in Destiny 2. The best way to attack them is to shoot them in the face.
There are also other few weak spots that you need to know. When attacking Legionnaires, you can also aim at their jetpacks to give them tasty yellow damage. Remember, yellow is a sign that you hit the weak point and caused more damage. If you keep targeting their fuel tanks they can fall to the ground where you can shoot them to explode and make them hurt any enemy nearby.
The only enemy that you should never aim at their head is the Vex. If you shoot Vex in the face, his body will become a rampaging death machine that will run towards you and do more damages. The best way to attack Vex is to aim at the white crystals that are on its belly. Remember to do that as fast as possible because if you give these guys a chance to drop into their shielded position, they will regenerate their health. For better results, you should focus on attacking them one at a time.
As a general rule, you should always use kinetic weapons when trying to aim the weak spots. These are the guns on the top slot of the inventory screen. They use white ammo boxes. According to Destiny 2 pro gamers, kinetic weapons do more damages when you land critical hits to weak spots.
2. Energy weapons
Not all enemies in Destiny 2 are going to politely stand by and let you pour lead into their faces. Stronger foes will hide behind elemental shields that absorb a huge amount of damage. Destiny 2 energy weapons are more effective against shields than kinetic weapons. Use elemental ammo of the same type to break the shield. That will turn the shield into a small amount of explosion that will not only stun the enemy behind it but also the nearby allies. Remember, you need a gun that does arc damage for a blue arc shield, a weapon with orange solar damage for an orange solar shield, and a weapon with purple void damage for a purple void shield.
You need a collection of weapons that covers all three shield types. You can rely on the random loot drops in the EDZ patrol zone or purchase specific weapons from one of the many vendors. Once you have a gun of each type, all you need is to know when to use each of them. To determine the best weapon to use, you should always consider the shield type your enemy is using. Remember not to waste ammo pumping kinetic weapons into shields since that is the fastest route to death as you won’t have enough of them to attack tough enemies.
Do you have any tips to reach endgame in Destiny 2 quickly for us? Share away in the comments section below.