When it comes to video games there are absolutely no limits to anything be it weird characters, strange settings or just a bunch of unexplainable stuff and things that are very important in most of the games we play (Weapons) they can get pretty crazy too so have a look some of the wackiest weapons in gaming history.
10. Dubstep Gun: Saints Row The Third
Even if you aren’t a fan of Dubstep music which sounds like something two robots going at it, you have to admit that blasting of people with a boom box design inspired big gun that shoots beams and plays dubstep is fun because that really is the Dubstep gun. Saints Row The Third as always being home to the most random things once again shines with this one of a kind weapon.
9. Fallout: Experimental MIRV
Apart from the atrocious game known to all mankind as Fallout 76 rest of the Fallout games are very superb and have introduced us to many great weapons. Introduced in Fallout 3 the experimental MIRV is a launcher that shoots 8 mini nukes at once so you can take out groups of ghouls, mutants or bad guys without any hassle. Still, to date, it is known as the most devastating weapon ever to be a part of your virtual arsenal.
8. The Turok 2: Cerebral Bore
This dinosaur hunting game is no stranger to awesome weapons, the first game a very cool Tek Bow with many different types of ammo you could use for your weapons like explosive shells for Auto Shotgun and many more, Turok 2 had the best of all an alien weapon that fires a homing bore that goes all-in on its target, drills into their head and then explodes. Man! Ain’t that one of the most painful deaths you could give your opponents in the game.
7. Gears Of War: Lancer Assault Rifle A.K.A Chainsaw Gun
A chainsaw on the end of a rifle for use in close range combat all sounds like the stuff of dreams, right? Based on real bayonets, but it’s a chainsaw instead of the more traditional blade. The chainsaw attachment makes the weapon far more powerful, far more bloody, and far more outrageous.
Interestingly, of all the weapons on the list, this may be the closest to actually being practical. There’s a reason why this weapon is so popular among fans: it’s crazy and extremely satisfying to use. Nothing is more fun than charging full speed at an enemy to thrust a chainsaw in them and cut them in half. The developers did an awesome job on the animations for this thing.
6. Ratchet and Clank: SHEEPINATOR
This weapon fires a beam that slowly morphs an enemy into a sheep. There’s just something awesome about leaving behind a trail of not corpses, but sheep. Especially since it’s faster on smaller enemies, morphing so many into sheep at once is beautiful. Upgraded, it morphs enemies into deadly sheep that damage enemies for you. Now you have an army of sheep to turn on the larger enemies you couldn’t morph.
5. Bayonetta: Gun Chucks
These guns are the perfect fit for Bayonetta. They’re super convenient for switching between close and medium-range combat, which make for some really stylish combos. There’s also something so satisfying about slinging them around and spraying bullets everywhere. This has to be the craziest weapon in-game also while being the most fun to use.
4. Dead Rising 4: Electric Axe
Dead Rising 4 was a total letdown no doubts there but it did have some cool weapons, the electric axe allows you to mow down enemies in numerous ways. You can hack them apart brutally, or raise your hammer like Thor and shock them all at once. In a series full of amazingly overpowered weapons, this looks like a very welcome addition to the list.
3. Saints Row The Third: Shark O Matic
This absurd weapon covers its targets in fish guts before a shark swims up out of the ground and swallows its helpless target. It’s so fun (and so evil) to just terrorize the NPCs with this thing. So satisfying to use.
2. Perfect Zero Dark: Laptop Gun
The Laptop Gun is essentially what it sounds like, It’s a submachine gun that doubles as a sentry gun disguised as a laptop (next level spy stuff) Its huge rate of fire makes up for its relatively low damage. As a sentry gun, it’s fragile and limited in ammunition but has great range and accuracy. It’s, therefore, effective defense, but not useful for long-term usage…yeah but it’s portable and easy to carry on the go too.
1. Red Faction Armageddon: Mr. Toots
Mr. Toots is easily the craziest weapon in Red Faction: Armageddon, if not in all of gaming history. This weapon is a unicorn that looks horrified as it shoots rainbow lasers from its backside. And enemies killed with it explode into rainbows and butterflies. Amazing.
See told ya before that here really are no limits when it comes to videogames. If we have missed your favorite crazy weapons from video games, let us know in the comments section below!