In this Tetris 99 Beginner’s Guide, we will guide you on some basic mechanics of Tetris 99 and how you can actually play the game. Tetris 99 is a completely new take on battle royale that no one expected. Yet, here we are writing this guide and sharing some important rules along with tips and tricks on how you can dominate your enemies in this block breaking battle royale.
Our Tetris 99 Beginner’s Guide will explain three most important aspects of Tetris 99 to you which include attack, defense and mastering the T-Spin which is an advanced move which can really send some pain to your opponent…opponent’s blocks. We will also list down some basic rules of the game which will help you play the game.
Beginner’s Guide – Tetris 99
Our Tetris 99 Beginner’s Guide details everything that you need to know about playing Tetris 99 and also some advanced moves along with attack and defense.
Tetris 99 Basic Rules to Play
One thing you should know is that Tetris 99 works like a normal Tetris game. Don’t expect to start picking up blocks and throwing them at your enemies to damage them. The game looks and plays like a generic Tetris game. You will need to create complete lines of blocks to earn points and get some combos.
In addition to this, there are some twists to the gameplay which you must use if you want to survive in the game. In each match, you will be paired with 98 other players who are also trying to do the same thing as you. You have four different attack modes at your disposal which we will discuss below in the attack section.
As you clear lines on your own board, you will send junk to other player’s boards. Keep this up and try to survive as long as possible. You will need to focus on your own game as other boards on the sides can be distracting. The player at the end will be deemed the winner of the match.
Attack Guide
This is your way of making life of your opponents hell in Tetris 99. You have four different attack options to choose from. You can pick any attack mode however each attack mode comes with its own strategies and tricks. Check them out below
Using this attack mode, you will target players who are about to die and are closing to the top of the screen. These are easy kills to add under your belt so we recommend that if you prefer a lot of kills, you should opt for this attack mode as you will always attack players who are nearing KO.
This is a little slower than other attack modes because the target players might die before your junk line reaches them which makes the attack useless. Also, this will kill any chances of you getting a Badge for killing them.
This is an attack move when you want to target the players who have the most badges and most kills in the match. This is essential if you want to become the leader of the match quickly. When you kill a player who has the most badges, you will acquire all of those which will make you the match leader.
However, you must be aware of the fact that when you become the leader, everyone else will be coming for you. Get ready for a lot of junk lines if you become the leader of the match. We suggest that you take it slow during the early phases of the match and heat it up when a few players are left in the game.
This attack mode will set all the attacking players as your primary targets. Players who attack you will be attacked back. This comes extremely useful near the end of the match when only a few players are left on the screen.
The game will pick a random player for attacking. You do not have to worry about choosing a specific one when random is selected.
You can also choose a target yourself in the game rather than picking one yourself.
Mastering T-Spin
T-Spin is an advanced attack move which can increase the number of junk lines that you send to your opponents. Try to complete a T-Spin and you will send two junk lines to your opponent. Make that Double or Triple spin and each time the number of junk lines will increase by 2. You must master this effective move if you really want to become the master of Tetris 99.
Defense Guide
After attack, you must also know how to defend yourself from enemy attacks. Just like you, your enemies will also send junk lines towards you as well. You must know how to counter enemy attacks. On your main screen, you will see lines and block queuing up in the side. These are the lines or blocks sent your way and are waiting to enter your game.
They rise from the bottom shrinking the playable area. When you see them flashing red, it means that they are about to enter your playable area as soon as you place your next block. When junk lines appear to the side, all junk lines that you send to your enemies will first attack these lines. You must try to clear them away as soon as possible if you want to continue attacking your enemies.
Each time you attack and clear one line on the side, blocks will take longer to enter your playable area. Delay too long and they will start stacking up inside your play area shrinking it. Use T-Spins to quickly dispatch of enemy block stacks.
This concludes our Tetris 99 Beginner’s Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments below.