In Still Wakes the Deep, you’ll find optional phone calls that you might miss because they often ring when you’re not in the room. Listen closely for the sound, and be fast to pick up, or you might miss them when they stop ringing. We’ve gathered a list of every phone call in Still Wakes the Deep in our Still Wakes the Deep Phone Call Locations Guide to help you unlock the Clear Down achievement.
Phone Call Locations Guide – Still Wakes the Deep
Read below to find the locations of all the phone calls in Still Wakes the Deep.
Phone Call #01
During your second visit to Accommodation, leave the room with the heater and go into the adjacent room. Inside, a phone is ringing on the wall—make sure to answer it promptly before it stops ringing.
Phone Call #02
After losing the lifeboat on the left side, go up the walkway, climb the stairs, and try to open the door. If it doesn’t open, go back down and answer the phone ringing on the wall.
Phone Call #03
Towards the end of your visit to Port Side, you will go into a small building. Inside, there’s a ringing phone next to the ladder. When you pick it up, Innes from Derrick will be on the line. However, the person with him is leaving soon, so the call will end abruptly.
Phone Call #04
When you go into Rennick’s Office after the helicopter crash on your second visit to the Deck, make sure to pick up the ringing phone on the wall behind his desk.
Phone Call #05
After the phone call, go out of the office. But if the phone rings again, come back inside.
Phone Call #06
Now, exit Rennick’s Office through the main door and go to the Administration floor. Walk down the hallway and enter the door on your right. Answer the ringing phone inside to find out that Scooby is in the Administration area on the floor below, being chased by one of the monsters.
Phone Call #07
After exiting the crashed helicopter on the right side, follow the path to a small building. Inside, you can answer the ringing phone on the wall.
Phone Call #08
Once you’ve reset the Protective Relay in Engineering for the first time, you can answer the ringing phone on the wall next to the door to LEG A.
Phone Call #09
When you reach the top floor of Accommodation after escaping LEG B, use the heater in the locker room and then answer Roy’s incoming phone call.
Phone Call #10
After Roy calls, go to the roof using the nearby door and come back inside quickly because the phone will ring again soon.
Phone Call #11
Once you escape the flooded Engineering floor and return to Accommodation for the third time, use the heater and go through the door on your left. Notice the phone on your right. You need to go up to the roof to help Roy. After you leave through the door, briefly pass through the hallway opposite the Crew Lounge and return quickly to the ringing phone we mentioned earlier. Caz will hear another conversation from Suze.
Phone Call #12
After you find Roy in the Roof Hut, the nearby phone will start ringing. Finlay will tell you that she needs you to get to Marine Control because the flooded rig has blocked her way to that area.
Phone Call #13 & #14
When you enter Marine Control, go to the back room. There, Finlay will call you and guide you through flooding the Forward Pontoon. During this part, you’ll make two phone calls to Finlay.
Phone Call #15
As you navigate the flooded rig to find Finlay and Brodie in Drill Ops, you’ll find a small office that’s still intact. Inside the office, answer the ringing phone on the wall to hear another conversation from Suze. Throughout the game, these calls become more urgent.
If you answer all the phone calls mentioned, you’ll earn the Clear Down trophy. Additional Still Wakes the Deep guides are linked below for you:
This concludes our Still Wakes the Deep Phone Call Locations Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.