One of the bosses in Remnant 2 includes a powerful optional boss called The Red Prince. This boss can be found in the Gilded Chambers in Losomn. This Remnant 2 The Red Prince Boss Guide will show you how to beat The Red Prince, what attacks to look out for, the boss’s weaknesses, and how the battle will progress until the end.
Remnant 2 The Red Prince Boss Guide
The Red Prince waits for the player in the Gilded Chambers in Losomn. The boss is not related to the main story, meaning that the battle is completely optional. However, some players might be looking for a specific item related to this boss which is the Crown of the Red Prince. To get this item, players need to ensure that they use the Assassin’s Dagger weapon to ensure that the boss drops the Crown of the Red Prince. Additionally, the boss’ weak spot is his head, which is where you should mainly focus your attacks.
The Red Prince is a powerful boss that despite his size has immense movement speed. The boss specializes in both ranged and melee attacks and has a couple of main attacks that it will produce for the duration of the battle. In addition, the boss will also produce copies of itself that have its own health bar and have melee and ranged attacks.
The first main attack is with the fire projectiles that the Red Prince will first produce and then shoot at you. You need to dodge the attack just as the projectiles come to shape. During the first phase of the battle, the boss will quickly teleport and move around while mixing his attacks. The boss will also bring forth his copies that you should first take care of before focusing back on The Red Prince.
When you have dealt enough damage to have depleted more than 50% of the boss’ health, the second phase of the battle will begin. In this phase, the boss will bring out a new fire cyclone that covers the area and slowly shrinks away. To avoid this attack, you need to stay on the circular platform in the middle of the battle area and wait until the effects of the fire cyclone die off.
Defeating The Red Prince will give you the following loot:
- Scrap
- 3x Lumenite Crystals
- Forlorn Fragment
- Tome of Knowledge
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That’s how you can beat this boss as shown in this Remnant 2 The Red Prince Boss Guide. Post your comments below.